Call us Artist or call us Engineers, there seems to be many of us, like myself, that can direct our creativeness in a positive way. I see them more and more at craft shows and on the web. People are taking used and discarded items and giving them a new life, a new purpose. Upcycling provides uniqueness in a progressive way and can be more resourceful than recycling .

My mission with A Creative Shade of Green is to impose the idea that you really can create quality from something old or discarded by promoting those who have dedicated themselves to inventively reusing what they find or have.

I would like to present my ideas as well as others like myself that share a similar mission. Hence…

A Creative Shade of Green

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Live Learn and Improve

Reusing or Upcycling things brought into your home can create memories for years to come and allow more energy to go toward creating an eco-rich environment.

This guy ended up on the back porch yesterday. Beautiful!

I thought it was funny that my other half came walking into the kitchen with it in a jar when all I've been thinking about lately is what to do with the glass I've been collecting.

I did find an idea online that struck me as different. The company zero-waste design has arranged glass bottles and wood shelving to fashion this bookcase that really can easily be done as a diy project with things around the house. This is a project that has potential to be a very alluring piece of furniture as zero-waste design has done.

These are some of the recycled jars around my place.

A splash of color on the porch
Change Jar
Angel Wing Begonia... Hydro style

Flowers say I Love You!!
I've you have an idea or product that stands out above the rest. Send it to me. I'd love to review it for posting on Creative Shade Of Green.


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