Call us Artist or call us Engineers, there seems to be many of us, like myself, that can direct our creativeness in a positive way. I see them more and more at craft shows and on the web. People are taking used and discarded items and giving them a new life, a new purpose. Upcycling provides uniqueness in a progressive way and can be more resourceful than recycling .

My mission with A Creative Shade of Green is to impose the idea that you really can create quality from something old or discarded by promoting those who have dedicated themselves to inventively reusing what they find or have.

I would like to present my ideas as well as others like myself that share a similar mission. Hence…

A Creative Shade of Green

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Reclaimed Cobblestones

Live Learn and Improve

 Without a doubt there is an endless list of things in this world today that can be reused or upcycled. 
Here is something of a more natural character... cobblestone.

Cobblestones have been used all over the world for centuries as building material. They are natural and each unique in character. When you want to think green check out these thoughts on reclaiming cobblestones and giving them another life.

Here is an exceptional article that explores the different kinds of material available to be reused and also makes a point to mention that stone is a readily available material that can often be found local. This is true “green” thinking… buy local to conserve energy.

This video suggests lining driveways and gardens for a sturdy and natural looking border to your landscaping. Such a simple idea! Even the kids can help...and with everyone chipping in this can be a unique, green, and completely affordable touch to your home.

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